I'm v. disturbed to realize that I totally forgot to blog last night. I didn't intend to skip - I don't think I've skipped a day so far this year, and yesterday wasn't the one I meant to do it on. But I've been generally exhausted and out of words, and also vaguely angry (my natural habitat), so I suppose it's natural that I would avoid blogging. Also, I don't recall doing anything of importance last night, other than eating bacon and eggs, which is always important.
But, I apologize. Today was more of the same; I worked from home in the morning, trained with Alyssa, and went to the office in the afternoon, where I spent more time than I should have working on a jigsaw puzzle like I'm turning into my grandmother. Then I had dinner with Terry in the glorious south bay, which turns more pretentious by the day. And now I must go to bed so that I can survive tomorrow - goodnight!
You'll have to visit us in Colorado next spring - after we buy furniture.
Whoa, really? That's exciting!
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