Friday, October 03, 2014

an open tab when your judgment's on the brink

I am in Frankfurt, and it is as strange and lovely as I expected. My flight was perfectly on time, but there was a major confusion over the rental car, which resulted in walking around in slowly increasing circles until we found the place (P29, which wasn't on any map) that was supposed to solve all our woes. But it didn't, so we took a taxi that nearly ended in our abandonment and certain death - until we were plucked at the last moment from ruin and given a Mercedes. Yay.

Then we checked into the hotel, and Dave and I promptly rallied and walked to Starbucks, then across the river to grab lunch (and wine). Then we both took naps before rendezvousing in the lobby so that we could go out for dinner. We went to a Greek place I went to last year, which was awesome until they brought us ouzo shots at the end, which Dave poured into a tree for me. Then we went to a dive bar, followed by a German bar, followed by an Irish bar, and I continued my white wine/prosecco consumption at each.

And now, after a v lovely evening and a promise of more fun to come tomorrow, I must sleep - goodnight!

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