Friday, October 04, 2024

always something there to remind me

It's midnight in Arizona, but it's two am in Iowa and I'm completely wiped out. However, I had a great day - I woke up early and scrambled to shower, make coffee, water plants, etc before my water got shut off for a water project in my yard that [censored] helpfully took care of (with my dad's crew) since I have zero expertise in such matters. Then I left my house since I had no water and went to Des Moines, where I got my nails done and got a haircut to make me more presentable to the outside world.

Then I went to the airport, ate lunch while doing some work, and flew to Phoenix. I never fly southwest, but they had a direct flight, and I got lucky with no one in the middle seat. So I napped and then read the whole way, which was nice. 

When I arrived, I basically changed my pants and went straight to dinner, where I reunited with various coworkers. We all hung out for awhile and then I wanted to bail on the after dinner activity, but Adit told me I had to go with the look in his eyes that means we're in it to win it, so I went. 

The activity was Topgolf, which I've never played, and there was (of course) more food and a lot of alcohol. I had a couple of whiskey cocktails and part of a tequila shot, which apparently made me amazing at party-style golf - I managed to win against several people who objectively should have beaten me, but I'll take it.

Then I called a Waymo to self-drive some of us back to the hotel, and it was just as excellent as it was in SF. And now I need to sleep immediately - goodnight!

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