Tuesday, October 22, 2024

nature is healing

I had a pretty good day - my neighbor woke me up while doing a call at six a.m., but otherwise I got my day off to a good start. I spent the day mostly in meetings, with a break for some team takeout for lunch, which was 10x the socializing I usually get at lunch + infinitely freer/more convenient food.

When I finally got back to my hotel after many discussions, I chilled for a bit and then went down to the bar to grab dinner. I know the bartender from when she used to work at a different hotel, and it's a bit strange to have known a girl bartender for five years, but I'll take it. And tonight felt like it was fully back to pre pandemic hotel bar scene - someone gave me a painting after talking to me for awhile, and another couple propositioned me for a threesome, so I'd say I'm fully back to my old self (note: my old self didn't take threesome propositions and my new self didn't either, but isn't it nice to be asked?).

And now, after a very demure two glasses of wine, I'm going to go to bed and aim for a lot of productivity tomorrow - goodnight!

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