Monday, October 14, 2024

in the fields

I had today off due to the federal holiday, and while I didn't make the most of it, I had a good enough day. I wasn't feeling particularly well when I woke up, so I was as lazy as possible for most of the morning. But I eventually rallied, took a shower, ate some lunch, etc., and then went to Centerville to stock up on some groceries. My mission was a success, and I got home just in time to inspect a couple of tings with [censored] before [censored] left to drive back to [censored].

After [censored] left, I forced myself to finish tidying up my room - I still need to vacuum, but it's mostly back in shape. After spending the whole weekend cleaning out my closets (using the Marie Kondo method of asking myself if each piece sparks joy - and then trying on many things to remember details like how there are some tops I never wear because they rub my neck the wrong way), I had to pack up four garbage bags of clothes to donate + one bag of the most expensive stuff that I'm going to send to Thredup and hopefully get some sort of store credit (although it will be pennies on the dollar of what the stuff is worth).

When I was done putting my room in order, I made a lateish dinner (tofu stirfry, delish), and then relaxed / journaled / did some skincare stuff until now. And now I must sleep - goodnight!

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