Sunday, August 18, 2013

leave all your love and your longing behind

I'm way way exhausted, and I didn't hit my page count goal for the I also didn't do any work for the day job, which is either a yay or a boo depending on how you think tomorrow will go for me (I have low expectations). But it's all better than it could have been, I suppose. After all, I didn't get hit by a bus, so things could always be worse.

I was up and about by nine, which was harder than I expected (although the Jawbone bracelet I've been wearing for the past six weeks told me that I got very little deep sleep last night for some reason, so maybe that explains it). And I made it to my nail place by ten to get the gel removed from my fingernails - and I refrained from getting gel again, even though I love the look. Then I was supposed to go to a birthday party, but I bailed in the interest of writing. I drove to Morning Due, since I was starving and needed to work - and, fortuitously, Adit and Priyanka joined me there. Priyanka only stayed to eat, since she had to go to work, but Adit and I worked there for another three hours or so, which was v. productive.

But after writing ten pages or so, I was too tired to continue, so I came home and sat on the roof while talking to my parents. That wasn't enough to help me recover my brain energy, so I sat on the couch and did nothing (well, I did something - I changed the prices on all my books everywhere but Amazon so that I can change Amazon tomorrow). Then Terry and I made dinner - we were going to go out and have steak, but instead we stayed in and had steak fajitas, which was possibly better. And then I came upstairs with the intention of writing, but I messed around instead because I couldn't think of any new words.

And now I should go to bed - this week is going to be really brutal. Goodnight!

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