Monday, June 08, 2015

i'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine

Thank you, reader, for indulging my panic meltdown yesterday. While I'm not going to go so far as to say that my comment about hitting rock bottom yesterday was prophetic, I am certainly in a much better place went exactly how I wanted it to, even if I didn't write again tonight during the second shift like I probably should have. I woke up around 6:45, left the house by 7:30, and ensconced myself in a cafe for an hour and a half, where I wrote four pages that were mostly okayish, and I'm starting to maybe get into Rafe and Octavia's voices. Yay.

But the writing couldn't continue forever; I had to leave to train with Alyssa, who tortured me today, so I expect to be sore tomorrow. After we were done, I made myself clean and shiny again, and then I went back to my former place of employment for an afternoon of socializing. First up was lunch with my former boss, who told me many and varied ridiculous tings. Then, I said hello to some people in my building (but no one shows up to work anymore, apparently, so pickings were slim).

After that, I snuck over to the coffee place, where I had coffee with Eugene, Tomas, and Dave. The barista may have been the happiest of all to see me, and I ordered an extra shot in my iced latte solely because it was free. It was eighteen million degrees in the south bay this afternoon, so we had to sit inside and try not to die, but it was all decent enough. Tomas asked me a lot of questions about my trip (because he actually cares) while Eugene angrily said he'd already seen my photos (because he follows me on instagram) and Dave asked specific but uninformative questions like which seats I sat in on planes (because he'd already heard about my trip and apparently doesn't like listening to me bitch about being stuck in Tahiti overnight, unlike all of you, who have been sooooo understanding about my struggle).

sssanyway, the coffee time was more successful than that description might have led you to believe. But those fools eventually had to abandon me for meetings, so I stuck around and talked to a couple of my former teammates until Dave wrapped up his stuff, and then I gave him a ride back to the evil city. I probably didn't need him as a carpool slave today, since traffic was moving quite nicely on its own, but given that the only reason I stuck around until rush hour to begin with was to hang out with those guys, it was nice to have company on the way home. Once I got here, I did some laundry, ran some errands, ordered some picture frames, etc....none of that was writing, but I'm feeling good about today despite that.

And now, despite the early hour, I'm going to crawl into bed, read for a bit, and hopefully repeat these daring feats tomorrow - goodnight!

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