Monday, July 15, 2019

a shimmering balance act

I apparently moved to Denver just in time for a total catastrophe - the crack in Highway 36 that developed at the end of last week is now a full-blown sinkhole collapse. Apparently that section of highway was built over a former lake or reservoir, and with the rain we've had recently it started to subside really badly. They still have no ETA for reopening it, although they're now diverting traffic so that the westbound section (which is closed) can use the inside shoulder + express lane of the eastbound section. This is going to make commuting very ugly for awhile, which may become my first regret about buying this house.

But that regret hasn't happened yet, so I'm going to stick with joy. I worked from home today due to the traffic issue, and it was really nice to work from home (even if I was working in my dining room in front of a v blank, v beige wall, which is not my style and does nothing for my vanity). I took a break at lunch to make a frittata, and I also made a stirfry tonight, so I have food to get me through the week if I work from home a couple more days. I have to go in tomorrow since I have a dentist appointment, but I'm hoping to alternate days in and out for awhile.

Also, it was good that I worked from home today because my patio furniture came early. One section was missing and I think they just failed to send it, but they're sending it now, so it should be all good. I got a comfy lounge-y sofa that I may like better than my indoor sofa, and I now just want to spend all my time on it. So I did a bit of work out on the patio in the late afternoon...and then of course it rained a bit, so I'm getting an earlier preview than I wanted of how well it dries. But I got sunbrella fabric that is supposed to dry quickly, and also got a model that has no external frame (i.e. metal or wood) that could get damaged by Colorado's incessant hail - so it should hold up well.

And now, after doing too much work and taking care of too many things around the house, it's time for bed. Goodnight!

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