Monday, January 21, 2008

i don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you

I was surprisingly productive today, considering that I didn't get started on anything worthwhile until shortly after noon. However, at that point, I showered, did five loads of laundry, and hung out with Terry, who came over to work (and so that we could both complain about work). After she left, I worked from 7ish until now, and got through a couple of the most annoying tasks that were still on my to-do list, and that had to be finished before I leave the office for the last time. So, barring any unforeseen disasters (which come up with such alarming frequency that they really should be foreseen), the remaining nine days of my current job should be fairly smooth!

Also, while Terry was over, I may have made a breakthrough on my pseudonym search. What do you think of Victoria Ramsey as a penname for a romance novelist? I'm going to mull it over for a few days, and if I decide I like it, I'll buy the domain - my goal for this leave is to both finish the book at develop an initial website for it, or at least have a shell of a website that I can build out when I sell the book and know what the real title will be. So, identifying my penname early is key!

That's all for now - wish me luck getting through the next few days! Of course, I recognize that v. few of you are likely to have sympathy for me if I complain about anything, but I feel certain that the next few days will be rather rollercoasterish when it comes to the intense joy I feel about taking time off, the sadness I feel about saying goodbye to the dozens of people I feel close to, and the vague unease I feel about taking an unpaid leave when the economy does not seem to be completely healthy. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not... I don't want you to use the Ramsey name successfully before I do. Thanks - from the administrator at