Friday, December 02, 2011

the sound of settling

I was much lazier than I intended to be today. I woke up around ten, showered, ate breakfast, etc., and then decided to go down to Palo Alto with an eye toward working at the library and taking care of a variety of errands. The errands were duly accomplished, and I had a delicious lunch at Joanie's Cafe (my secret true reason for wanting to go down), but with the unpleasant winds and a realization that I didn't want to stay at Stanford until after rush hour, I came home instead. Then I took a nap, because that's what one needs to do after doing nothing. Then I spent some time brainstorming the manuscript, thinking about alternatives, etc., etc.

I settled in to write for real around eight p.m., but then I got lost in Wikipedia and didn't emerge until 10:30. Most of that had nothing to do with SCOTSMEN, alas -- but it had a lot to do with the gargoyles, which I am desperate to return to since I think they could be totally wonderful. So I spent an hour writing some notes of plot/character developments that I've been thinking of for them, which was absolutely not what I needed to be doing, but I didn't want to lose those ideas just to spend another hour banging my head on my desk over SCOTSMEN.

Tomorrow is another day, though, and I can feel myself emerging from the current block -- hopefully it's the only one remaining, since I don't have time to be blocked. And now I shall sleep so that I can write tomorrow; goodnight!

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