I'm surprisingly intoxicated, but more on that in a moment (spoiler!). Today was lovely; I slept until eleven, which shouldn't be a surprise since I stayed up reading until three a.m. Then I putzed around the house, made myself breakfast (oatmeal and bacon = breakfast of champions), showered, etc., and worked on my gargoyles for awhile (yay gargoyles who have nothing to do with gargoyles). I also hauled my suitcase upstairs from last week's trip to Denver and considered doing laundry, but I abandoned it as a fool's errand and decided to save it for tomorrow, when the washer can run without disturbing me or overheating me since I'll be out of the house for a few hours.
I spent the late afternoon/early evening preparing for a video shoot; Terry and I are doing a video for my romance writer alter ego, which has proven to be super super fun and ridiculous. I worked on the script this afternoon, and also figured out my costume and rearranged my room so that we could get the right shot of my desk. Terry got home around 7:30, and we ordered a pizza and had two (v. strong) cosmos to get the "talent" (aka me) in the properly inebriated state for filming this video. Then I slathered on the lipgloss, perched my tiara precariously on my head, and we went to town with the filming, getting all the shots that we needed to get of me at my desk. Since the shots ended with me doing a shot of whisky out of my tea mug, I'm glad we got that one in one take -- I'm not sure I could have done another shot of whisky without retching onto my laptop, which would have been cinematic in an entirely unwelcome way.
Anyway, after we shot everything, we watched it on the camera and it all looked great, so yay for that. We still need to get a few more scenes over the next week or two, but I feel much more secure and comfortable about it, so onward, Christian soldiers, right? If the Christian soldiers are willing to go on Crusade to make a video about romance novelists, which is unclear. Anyway, I digress. The video was fun, and I still need to do some script work, but I'm quite happy with where we got tonight, and Terry seemed to be happy too (although she was nearly as drunk as I was, despite her lack of a closing whisky shot, so maybe she'll change her mind in the morning).
And now, I really must sleep; I've got tings to do tomorrow and they don't involve lying around in my bed bemoaning my encounter with a bottle of Maker's Mark. Goodnight!
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