Saturday, April 06, 2013

my heart breaks a little every time i hear your name

I accomplished basically nothing today. Really, getting out of bed should count for a lot - I'm so exhausted after my trip, and even after sleeping for nine hours I was still dragging. But I got up, checked work email, took a shower, checked email again, and then grabbed breakfast/lunch at the cafe down the street, where I sorted through and attempted to prioritize my massive to-do list. Then I came home, pretended to work, talked to Heather (aka dear respected madam) for awhile, and theoretically worked some more. But by four p.m. I was over it, and no one was online since it was a v. lazy Friday, so I threw in the towel and got a mani/pedi instead.

Upon feeling like a feminine lady rather than a rough-hoofed neanderthal, I came home, took a nap, and then went out for roommate dinner with Terry so that we could catch up on our respective lives over a pitcher of margaritas (plus an extra glass for me, since I ran dry just as we were getting to the good stuff). Then we came home, looked up names in my creepily accurate 'Secret Universe of Names' book, and watched an episode of 'The Voice'.

And now I must, must sleep - I want to be productive this weekend, and productivity starts with actually going to bed at some point. Goodnight!

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