Wednesday, May 28, 2014

jilted lovers and broken hearts

I need to sleep immediately; I should have gone to bed forty minutes ago, but I made the mistake of checking work email, which is always dumb. However, today was mostly good; I went to work at an absurdly early hour and wrote over coffee for an hourish, netting myself four pages and a day-long desire to take a nap. Then I left the office at five and took some people on my team out for drinks/food at Fiesta in celebration of hitting the Amazon/B&N/Apple top 100 lists last week. Then I took the shuttle home (see: two pitchers of margaritas), and now I must sleep so that I can do it all again tomorrow. Goodnight!


f...... said...

Congtrats, Sara! Joanna has evidence of your increasing fame - she met a stranger who's read your books!

Sara said...

really?! that's so crazy!