Today was possibly the most brutal day I've had in months. I know it's hard to believe that, and even as I type it I'm not sure it's true. But after going to bed at nine last night like a geriatric, I woke up sometime right after midnight and didn't fall asleep again until at least three. My stomach was aching and my thought were churning, and that combination made for a night in which I got less than five hours of sleep. Ugh.
So, thus feeling not refreshed at all, I got out of bed around 5:40 and made it out the door by 6:15, which meant I made it to campus by 7:15 and had an hour to do work before starting my meetings. I also had time to grab a chicken hash with scrambled eggs, which was divine. Then I slogged through meetings before sneaking out to see Alyssa. She continues to press the nefarious kettlebell agenda, and I continue to secretly enjoy it even when I slam 12kg of weight into my wrists like an idiot.
After that, I went back to work, showered, had a couple of meetings, and then was surprised and delighted when my team brought champagne to celebrate my latest book's release. I was perhaps too tired and emotionally drained (book releases will do that to you, apparently) to fully enjoy the festivities, but champagne always makes things better (see Napoleon's quote: "in victory you deserve champagne, in defeat you need it"). Then I had another meeting before peacing out to drive home, where I took a six p.m. call that got on my last fucking nerve.
But the call ended, as all things that get on my last fucking nerve do. And so I took a ten minute nap, put on some prettier clothes, called an Uber, and met up with Lauren (aka Subz) for dinner at Troya. It was absolutely delish, although I probably would have thought Jack in the Box was absolutely delish if I'd had 2.5 glasses of zinfandel and an awesome conversation with Lauren. But I think the food was actually good, from what I remember of it. And it was so soothing to my heart and soul to hang out with Lauren, since she tends to help me find perspective on all the stupid side job stuff that comes up throughout life.
So that was all good. Then I walked home down the Fillmore steps (which always give me weird vertigo), washed my face, and then wrote this blog. And if you've read this far, you're all caught up - congrats! and goodnight!
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