Monday, March 12, 2007

clone us in a test tube, sell us to the multitudes

It's been awhile since I've updated you, eh? Part of my excuse is that I'm very sick; I will write until the Tylenol Severe Cold Nighttime kicks in, at which point I will probably fall asleep halfway into my sentence. Even though the time jumped forward rather than fell back, I'm ready for bed at 9:18pm, which should indicate my miserable status. Anyway, on to the moderately interesting stuff before I pass out...

Saturday morning I made it up to the city in time to meet Adit and Vidya and pick up a big rented Suburban for our trip to the wine country. We were supposed to have a minivan, but Adit kept hitting the Staples 'easy' button on the counter at the rental place, and for some mysterious reason the guy upgraded us two full classes. Perhaps the 'easy' button really works? We met up with Claude (the birthday girl), Oniel, and two of Claude's coworkers, and proceeded to drive up to Sonoma for some laid-back wine-tasting. Since I awoke on Saturday morning feeling the beginnings of what would turn into a ravaging cold, I didn't drink much; but, I did enjoy champagne at Gloria Ferrer, buy three bottles of wine at Eric Ross, and get lightly buzzed. We had a delicious late lunch in a small roadside cafe, then stopped at Benziger, Valley of the Moon, and some other place before heading home. This all reminded me (vaguely, since I was much drunker the first time) of my epic day in Sonoma with Ritu and Maneesh oh-so-many-moons ago, since Ritu and I also went to Benziger and Valley of the Moon.

We made it back to the city around 6:30, ditched one of Claude's coworkers, and had dinner at Osha Thai, which was delicious. We also randomly met up with my former friend Julie (she used to date Chris Boyd, for those of you keeping track at home); I say former friend because she moved to Seattle several years ago and we didn't stay in touch, but I do miss her. Missing her was reinforced by our brief but efficient catch-up at the tail end of dinner; I feel that I got the broad strokes of her life, and was sad that we couldn't spend more time together. Actually, we could have hung out longer, but I was feeling rather ill at that point, and so bailed on the after-dinner plans and came home to sleep.

I had to bring Claude's other coworker back with me, which was mildly annoying; granted, it only took an extra 20ish minutes to drop her off, but since she wasn't my friend and since I didn't offer to take her home (she was foisted upon me), and since I would have preferred to speed home with the sunroof open and the music blasting, I was frustrated. I also realized at that point that I'm not really a nice person; nice people would have been happy to take home a dozen people, while I was pissed off at having to go a few minutes out of my way. Oh, well, I'm over it!

I went up to the city again yesterday and spent a very quality (if vaguely depressing) hour w/Vidya; we discussed our respective dilemmas, and I left our conversation feeling even more unsure and worried about my future. However, the conversation took place in the sunshine of one of the most gorgeous days in recent memory, so that made it a little better. Then, I met up with Irish Matt for a late lunch. I was going to hang out with him longer, but was feeling the need for some alone time, and so I left early. I was going to do laundry, but on a whim I decided to drive to the coast instead, and I drove down Highway 1 from Half Moon Bay to San Gregorio before cutting back to the valley and going home. It was wonderful, and I felt much more relaxed than I have in a v. long time.

Today I went to work, even though I probably shouldn't have, and had lunch w/Irish and Alaska Matt. The rest of the day was filled w/meetings, and I peaced out around six p.m. to come home. I vegged on the couch for a couple of hours, went out to grab dinner and some medicine, and now it's time for bed! I was going to brood about my life, but I think the sleepy pills are kicking in, so I should post this before I fall asleep, drool into the keyboard, and cause my laptop to short out. Goodnight!

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