Tuesday, March 24, 2009

suppose i never ever saw you

I was totally exhausted all day today; clearly I am getting old, since it used to be no big deal to go to a late movie, and yet last night's outing wrecked me. Then again, if I went to a late movie a couple of years ago, I only lived fifteen minutes from work. And, this morning I had to get up in time to see Walter and Julia off (which took an extra 10 or 15 minutes, in addition to any time we hung out in the apartment). So, where a year or two ago I would have been able to wake up at 8:30am to get to work by 9:15am, today I woke up at 6:30am. That means I can't completely determine whether my exhaustion is age-related or commute-related...but either way, today was not pleasant. I ended up doing the unthinkable -- I took a nap from 6-6:30 in a weird, sketchy "nap pod" so that I wouldn't fall asleep on the drive home. The pod smelled a little funky, which bothered me, but it was just slightly more legit than sleeping on the couch in my office in full view of any passers-by, so I did it despite the odor. It was successful -- I didn't even come close to falling asleep on the drive, so I consider that a victory.

The only other point of "interest" (used loosely, since little here is of interest) is that I had lunch with Gyre and Lizzie today. Lizzie no longer works for our company, but she's close enough to come for lunch, and so we celebrated Gyre turning thirty (speaking of old...). I also saw both Terry and Natasha, since I wanted to give away all the remaining chocolate chip chewies from last night to prevent me from eating the entire pan (which would have been totally doable -- they were a particularly delicious batch). It would have been even better if I could have focused on conversations or fully enjoyed them; Terry was appalled at how out of it I was when she saw me at 5pm, which is a bad sign. So, I'm going to bed *right now* so that I can sleep for nine hours in hopes that it will prompt a recovery. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT ARE CHOCOLATE CHEWIES...can you provide a recipe??