Today was rather hectic; I pulled myself out of bed and showered rather rapidly, but then I spent way more time than anticipated finishing th packing process. The reason I spent more time is because I decided to clean my bedroom, since I hate coming home to a messy house, and because my bedroom only gets direct sunlight in the morning and currently has no light fixtures, the best time to tackle the daunting pile of clothing on the floor was in the morning. I'm happy to report that I hung up all my clothes and generally tidied things up; there's still work to do on the bedroom (and the living room, and the kitchen), but it's coming together.
So I made it into work and started organizing all the receipts I need for this mammoth expense report that I need to do for my Japan trip; it's perilously close to late, and since a lot of places in Tokyo didn't take my corporate credit card and I had paid for my flight on my personal credit card, I need to submit my expense report so that I get my money back someday. It's too bad that I hate doing expense reports...and also too bad that I didn't write down what each receipt from this trip was for, since the receipts are solely in Japanese and now I have to guess that they're for. Luckily I have a pretty good memory (and my blog to fall back on if I need to remember what I did on a specific day), which is helping.
I was more than happy to set the receipts aside for lunch; Jess came over to have lunch at my office, and she was kind enough to bring the bag that she and John had brought back to California after Adit's wedding. The bag contained a dress that I want to wear to a wedding reception next weekend, all of the tea cups that Adit gave out as wedding favors, and my favorite overly-glam sparkly jelly flipflops that will be completely out of place in Iowa. It was good to catch up with Jess, particularly since she and John are leaving for Canada and Europe next week and won't be back until almost the end of the month. It sounds like John still has whooping cough; I wonder if I caught it around the same time, since my cough in Europe sounds like a whooping cough incident. But, since I was vaccinated specifically for pertussis in January, you would think I would be fine -- but I reacted badly to the vaccine, so who knows.
Anyway, after Jess left (with a promise to invite me to lunch at Apple), I immediately scrambled and left for the airport. I got to my gate with just enough time to grab a diet coke before boarding, and the flight was uneventful. I had a 2.5hr layover in Denver, so I had a burrito and a margarita at my and my brother's favorite Mexican restaurant in the Denver airport while catching up on email for the day job. I have some day job stuff to do this weekend, but hopefully I can crank it out tomorrow so that I can play on Sunday-Tuesday.
On the flight from Denver to Des Moines, I got upgraded to first class; it's a bit of overkill for a 1h20min flight to Des Moines, but I wasn't going to turn it down. The steward served me coffee in a real mug; the coffee was still the same shitty brew they use in the plebian economy classes, but the mug made me feel slightly more upscale. I also successfully wrote 1000 words of Madeleine and Ferguson's story; I'll likely need to edit a lot of it, but making some progress is better than none.
My parents picked me up (around 11:20pm CDT), and we somehow managed to stay awake for the 90min drive back to my parents' house. My brother was still awake when we got home, so I stayed up and talked to him for awhile -- but now I'm exhausted, and I can't sleep all day tomorrow because I have to get ready for the main event. Goodnight!
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