Tuesday, July 20, 2010

she said 'i'll turn you on, sonny, to something strong'

Gah. I should have written tonight, but I'm dreading rewriting the opening to my book, and so I did some work for the day job while watching television. Granted, the television was fun (I watched the pilot of 'Covert Affairs' and an episode of 'Design Star' where some dude shot himself in the thumb with a nail gun before the judges sent home my least favorite designer), but I really should have written instead. Ah, well, there's always tomorrow, right?

Work was fine today; I spent four hours in a training related to a job that I no longer do (and will do the same thing for nine hours tomorrow and nine hours Wednesday), but it was entertaining, and I like all the people on that team, so it wasn't time entirely wasted. Then I slogged the rest of the afternoon, with varying degrees of success. Chandlord called me around 6pm, just as I was packing up to go home, and we ended up meeting for Thai food in downtown Mountain View. The yellow curry was too bland, the eggplant was aight, and Vidya ordered an appetizer consisting entirely of soy protein moulded to masquerade as chicken (with a peanut sauce accompaniment) -- if you had told me ten years ago that I would willingly eat my fair share of soy protein, I would have thought you were retarded, but miracles do happen. It was lovely to see Chandlord, as usual, and we strolled around Mountain View briefly to let the bad curry settle before parting ways. Then I came home, turned on the tv, and you know the rest.

And on that note, I should really get some sleep; I shouldn't be late to the start of training tomorrow, as much as I like to stroll in three minutes late, so getting some sleep now is imperative. It's particularly imperative so that I can write my heart out tomorrow night; goodnight!

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