I very nearly forgot to blog tonight, which would have annoyed me to no end. I can't break the streak by simply going to bed when there have been all those nights of blogging on my phone under v. adverse conditions, standing on street corners in Germany trying to pick up wifi hotspots, etc.
Still, this blog post isn't really worth anyone's time. I'm returning to my workaholic roots, which is easier to do when there are a variety of tasks beyond writing (which I didn't do today). Writing isn't something I can sustainably do for twelve hours, but I can work on many other things in that amount of time. My day got off to a late start due to last night's late end, and so I didn't get anything done before leaving to make it to my training appointment with Alyssa. It was good to see her, even if my workout had to be modified because my neck is hurting again; it's not as bad as it was a month ago when I couldn't turn my head, but it doesn't feel pleasant. Post workout, I drank a smoothie while taking my car through the car wash - a v. necessary endeavor, and one I'd put off for too long (judging by the surprise I felt when I realized I could see things so clearly through my rearview mirror). Then, I worked on my writing business plan at Starbucks for a couple of hours while trying to ignore the man shouting at his credit card company over the phone while sitting in the exact center of the Starbucks.
Eventually, though, I had to return to the city of sin to beat the traffic, a crapshoot that I got lucky at today. When I got home I tried to do some more stuff, but my energy crashed, so I took a fifteen minute nap. Revived, I made myself breakfast for dinner (bacon, eggs, oatmeal), then worked straight through the past six hours. Some of it was related to that contest I'm judging coordinating (which I'm v. nearly done with, thank goodness); some of it involved researching and picking wineries for the epic wine bus experience on Saturday (expect a good blog post in five days); and some of it involved finishing my business plan draft so that I could send it to my agent. I also did some pricing models to determine the price points at which it makes sense to self-publish vs. take a traditional deal, and the results were slightly surprising given how evangelical the self-pubbers are about how much more money they're making. Anyway, I think I'm mostly prepared for our chat, and I hope that it goes well (and by 'goes well' I mean that it gives me a better sense of where I should be focusing my efforts over the next 3-6 months: either on writing another book or two in pursuit of a traditional deal, or self-publishing what I have and focusing more on marketing and social media while writing something new).
And now, I really must sleep; I'm training with Alyssa again tomorrow, and then I need to write like mad or else I will be v. mad. Goodnight!
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