Today was totally rough at work for reasons that I can't disclose (nothing life- or career-threatening, although my soul is slowly being crushed, so I suppose that's noteworthy). But I made the executive decision to work from home, which was good for my morale if only because I was able to stop at six and actually be home already rather than having to get carsick on a shuttle. At that point I was in desperate need of some fresh air and a change of scene, so I took a meandering stroll for fifteen blocks or so, then had dinner and some wine at my favorite French bistro (yes, I was there yesterday, but I was with people then, which is *totally* different). Also, I ordered chicken and white wine instead of steak and red wine, so I blew everyone's minds.
But as much as my french bistro habit is silly and expensive, it totally fixed me, at least for an hour. I wrote a couple of pages of Thorington's book (he's yummy), stopped thinking about work, enjoyed my wine, and had a long chat with one of my favorite Des Amis people about Vegas, Austin, and a variety of other topics. Then I came home and watched figure skating, although I did succumb to the lure of my work email for a little bit.
Now I shall go upstairs, go to bed, and hopefully get onto the shuttle quickly tomorrow since I have to present to some meeting at 9:30am - goodnight!
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