Today was v. long, and I remain exhausted, but in the end I felt vaguely triumphant. I had to wake up early to train with Alyssa, which was an exercise in futility; I was ten minutes late, and so tight and tired that my workout was kind of a joke. I have a feeling I will be even tighter and tireder tomorrow, but we shall see. However, Alyssa took it all in stride and helped me to stretch a bit, so I left feeling better than I did when I arrived, which is always great.
Then I went to the office, showered, made an iced latte, and prepared for a presentation I was giving. It was v. successful, if I do say so myself - and if I'm going to continue to praise myself, I'll say that I'm usually pretty good at giving presentations, but I still felt happy about all of that. Then I grabbed some lunch (a v. boring but satisfying salad), met with my boss, had some more meetings, and ended it with some entirely unnecessary wine and cheese during our team meeting.
Then I sped back to the evil city ('sped' being a complete lie, since it took an hour and forty minutes to get home, but luckily I talked to my parents for most of it, which helped the time go by), put on some tights and boots to turn the dress that was appropriate for 85-degree Mountain View into something that could be worn in 55-degree San Francisco, and ran over to Sabrosa to meet my friend Grace. We spent three hours talking about writing and life, wrapping up our date over dessert at Des Amis (which duly impressed her, since everyone there knows me), and hanging out with her was exactly what I needed tonight even if what I wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep for twelve hours.
But that's something I can do this weekend - although going to sleep now is imperative if I'm to survive my workday tomorrow. Goodnight!
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