Sunday, October 04, 2015

i think that i found myself a cheerleader

I felt highly productive today, but I didn't write a single word of Rafe and Octavia's story...c'est la vie. I didn't sleep well last night, and I had to get up at 7:30, so the fact that I made it through today without taking a nap feels extremely virtuous. I know, I'm amazing.

sssanyway, I woke up early to loan my car to Chandlord, which was accomplished in a very efficient manner. Then I messed around online (but I wasn't ready to stare at my laptop, so I mostly messed around on my phone) before tackling the chore of cleaning my kitchen from last night's dinner party. It wasn't as dire as I had remembered, so that was a relief. And I had steak and eggs for late breakfast/early lunch, since I rediscovered the piece of steak I'd brought home from Mezes the other that went a long way toward curing whatever remaining headache I had from last night's wine/staying up too late.

After that, I walked to Philz to get coffee, and then I came home and worked for a few hours (with a break to retrieve my car from Chandlord). I didn't write, but I went really deep into planning my week/month - I want to get more focused on the business side of the writing world, and I'm slowly realizing that I need to schedule/plan more in advance to do those things since, in the moment, I tend to short-circuit my brain and think that I need to stare at the manuscript rather than taking time for other types of productivity. That short-circuiting is why I haven't even really taken time to plan recently, and I'm trying to reset my expectations and build in more business-time in addition to the writing-time that I need to hold myself to.

So I messed around with my planner and made lists, etc., which was kind of fun. Then I went to the grocery store and bought a chicken, which I proceeded to devour/debone (I devoured the skin like a crazed carnivore; the meat got shredded for later use over the next couple of days; the bones went into the freezer for making stock later). And then I called my parents; since I was just in Iowa five days ago (hard to believe), there weren't a lot of new developments to catch up on, but it was good to continue the ritual.

After that, I had a hangout with Terry, and then I made supper (gluten free spaghetti with some of the sauce leftover from last night mixed with some of the chicken I bought today, topped with shredded ricotta - sad that this was way more satisfying than last night's dish). And then I worked pretty steadily for another couple of hours before throwing in the towel and coloring in my coloring book like a child. So maybe that part wasn't productive, but it was a good break.

And now I'm ready for bed, and to see whether planning my week ahead of time works well for me...goodnight!

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