Wednesday, October 28, 2015

look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now

I have nothing at all of interest to report today, so maybe I could leave it at that...I spent the morning staring at my laptop, and then I walked for an hour to the Mission to get my bangs trimmed (success, although between now and when I get my eyebrows waxed tomorrow, I would prefer to hide my face from the world). Then I hung out at Ritual for a couple of hours and scribbled in my notebook - I'm probably at the point where I just need to write the rest of this fucking book longhand, since I seem to do better on paper than I do on my laptop.

Then I walked home, with a stop at Flax to buy another journal + some gorgeous purple fountain pen ink. Once here, I messed around on the internet, ate supper, took a bath (so indulgent, I know - sorry drought), and took care of some tings until now.

And that's the end of my boring recap - I will endeavor to be more interesting tomorrow, but I make no promises. Goodnight!

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