Thursday, August 27, 2009

i push the trigger and i pull the thread

I think I've been in a bit of a funk since the sales conference ended. Of course, it didn't help that my car window got smashed, but all in all, I'm having trouble getting back into my normal routine and feeling like I'm accomplishing anything. Everything is sort of in a holding pattern -- I'm not yet reengaged with my regular job, I'm waiting endlessly to hear back from editors, and I'm too tired to get back into writing my second book. Add to that the fact that the parking situation tonight was difficult and the express line at Safeway was 10+ minutes, and I'm feeling just a little bit surly.

I need to pull myself out of it this weekend, though -- Madeleine and Ferguson await even if it kills me. I also want to finally put the remnants of my stuff in storage and get my desk cleaned off; Adit deserves better than to live with my stuff randomly tucked away throughout the apartment. But before I can get to the weekend, I have to survive tomorrow I suppose I should go to bed.

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