Saturday, September 12, 2015

no more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears

I didn't have the most auspicious start to my new year...I tweaked my neck pretty badly while sleeping last night, and my legs were sore from my workout, so I couldn't get comfortable and couldn't really think most of the day despite popping ibuprofen like it was candy. I tried taking a nap with my heating pad on my neck, and I tried walking around outside, and I tried coffee at Philz (although craning my head constantly to determine whether the crazy people in the coffee shop were going to kill me or were just being their normal crazy selves probably wasn't conducive to feeling better).

So, really, there's nothing else to say - I'm blogging early because I want to stop looking at my screen after writing half-heartedly most of the afternoon, and I think I'm going to curl up in bed with my heating pad and a book and hope that many hours of sleep will cure me so I can enjoy tomorrow (and get some work done). Goodnight!

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