Tuesday, July 21, 2020

i used to call her baby but now she's a mother to me

No blog tonight - I had a nice day, mostly spent sorting photos, but I'm sleepy and need to get some decent rest if I'm going to accomplish tomorrow's agenda. That agenda involves more photo sorting - I made it through everything on my grandmother's side of the family, but that leaves a lot of photos on my granddad's side, and I'm not sure I'm going to get everything perfectly rearranged to my liking before it's time to head back to Colorado. But we'll see what dent I can put it in tomorrow. I also have grand plans to see some cemeteries, and I might try to force some kittens to play with me - you know, the usual.

But at this moment, it's time for bed rather than for ruminating over the day. Goodnight!

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