Monday, July 27, 2020

who are you when i'm not looking?

I'm back in Colorado, thus ending nearly a month in ye olde Iowa. Today was entirely boring and uneventful - I got a decent night's sleep in Kearney, and then I had a bit of day job work to do this morning, so I didn't get out of there until 9:30ish. I also had to stop for breakfast, since the breakfast buffet was closed due to the 'rona - so I had hash browns and sausage patties from McDonald's, which was enough of a grease bomb to fuel the drive west.

I had to stop a couple of times to get gas and use the bathroom, but I made it home sometime around two. And then I was pretty much useless the rest of the day - I got my car unloaded, did three loads of laundry, and took care of a handful of minor things around the house, but that was the extent of my ambition. And now it's only ten p.m., but it's eleven in Iowa and I am going to try going to sleep early so that I can get up and meditate/write tomorrow morning rather than allowing myself to descend completely into vacation sloth. Goodnight!

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