Wednesday, July 29, 2020

you clean up nice

I ventured out of my house today, which was v. unusual. I'm on the hunt for some furniture to make a cozy conversational nook in my kitchen (and by conversational nook I now mean reading nook, since there will be no conversations for the foreseeable future). I've also decided to bite the bullet and replace the shade in my bedroom, since it is more of a mockery of a shade than anything else. I think it is the type of shade designed for filtering light to prevent glare in the afternoon, not the type of shade that is conducive for sleeping any length of time past dawn.

So, I'd made appointments at a couple of stores down in Cherry Creek to take care of those items - stores are reopened, but mostly at limited capacity. Both Room and Board and the shade place I went to said that things have been crazy busy since reopening - clearly everyone is sitting at home and realizing exactly what they hate about their current house and everything they want to buy to make it better. As someone who always buys alcohol, housewares, and fancy groceries, I find myself resenting that other people are making those things scarce....but I'm glad that the stores are doing okay when so many others aren't.

sssanyway, my first stop was Room and Board. The design consultant I met with there was super helpful and fun - and I think we figured out a chaise, which was a different chaise than what I'd originally thought to order. It will look awesome with my bar cabinet and will also be a fun place to sit (both by myself while drinking coffee / journaling and with others when dinner parties are eventually possible again). So, after months of searching and dithering, it's good to finally make a decision.

Then I picked up a to-go salad from sweetgreen - there were several sweetgreen locations in the bay area by the time I left, but they just opened in Denver a couple of months ago. I ate the salad while sitting on a park bench, and it was tasty and delightful. Then I went to the mall to pick up something at Nordstrom and return something else. I hadn't been to the mall since March, and I probably wouldn't go back unless I was picking something up - but the setup for picking up is pretty seamless, so at least there's that.

Then I discussed window shades, although I didn't make any decisions. And then I came home briefly before running to Katie's to pick up my outdoor plants. After that, I grabbed a few groceries, came home, put tings away, heated up some leftover thai, and talked to Veronica. V was in good form and we had a lot to discuss, so that was great.

And now, after that recap (which missed the fact that I painted my toenails, but in other ways was pretty complete), it's time for bed - goodnight!

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