Wednesday, July 01, 2020

take me down to paradise city

I had more work to do this morning than I wanted to, and then I spent a whole bunch of energy late in the day to run a ton of errands. I also got a coronavirus test, which was probably unnecessary - and it hurt about as much as I expected, so that was fun! And I dropped several pots of petunias off at Katie's - I'm headed to ye olde Iowa for an indeterminate length of time and she's graciously agreed to water my indoor plants once a week, but the petunias need more water and have now been slipped inconspicuously into James's watering duties. We hung out far apart on her porch for awhile, and I would have preferred to stay all night...but I had many tings to do, and so we parted ways.

I also dropped some work stuff off at Kelly's, got a car wash, got gas, got some rosé, dropped off some stuff at the post office, and picked up takeout pizza to eat tonight + have for tomorrow. And I spent some quality time taking care of yard stuff, which I really should have done this weekend - but I think I either dug up or cut off every little attempt that the nearby tree of heaven is making to colonize my yard, so hopefully the yard will survive a couple of weeks without me.

Then I did some stuff around the house, cleaned out my fridge, etc. And now I'm mostly packed, although I still have to throw some stuff in bags and load my car - but I think I should pause for tonight and get some sleep. Wish me luck getting out of here tomorrow - goodnight!

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