I just had a fabulous idea for a revised scene in my book -- my agent asked me to reread and tweak where I thought necessary, but I haven't devoted the time to it that I would have liked this week, and so I'm not going to meet my self-imposed deadline (obviously, since the self-imposed deadline was today). Unfortunately, I don't have time to write this fabulous idea -- I helped with wedding stuff most of the day, and I will completely busy with it all day tomorrow so that we can all avoid the wrath of Aunt Bridezilla. But, if I get lucky, I will dream the scene tonight and be able to sneak away for an hour or two sometime between the rehearsal dinner and the wedding to put it all on paper.
Today I picked up 800 handmade mints from the candy store in the next county north (a thirty-minute drive, made slightly longer because I was stuck behind a van going the speed limit), got pop (you may know it as 'soda') and dip, helped my aunt unload some stuff, went with her to the photographer, grocery store, and motel (which she's been telling her friends is a Marriott, which is so far from the truth that it's almost cruel), and then dried several dozen wineglasses. There were little amusements throughout the day, such as the big poster for an upcoming goat auction that I saw at the candy store, and I stocked up on vitamin water to continue getting me through the vegetable-less days (unless you count the bell peppers on the pizza I had last night, the last fruit/vegetable I had was canned peaches on Monday).
We ended the day in town, with supper at the restaurant in the back of the American Legion Hall -- as I've mentioned before, it's the place where the owner/cook and her daughter/waitress sit at the bar, and all the patrons and workers sit and talk to each other like one big communal dining room. I also saw the posterboard on the wall announcing their new "whole hog" sandwich, consisting of pork loin, ham, bacon, and sausage -- it's like death on a bun!
My cheeseburger and cheese balls were delicious, and the conversation (mostly about the wedding, with some discussion of raccoon hunting) was entertaining. My grandma and her cousins saw our truck parked outside and so came in to say hi -- that's just the way things work in a small town. With my misanthropic tendencies, it's no wonder that I kind of like the anonymity of the city -- but there is something nice about being somewhere where everyone knows you, even if there are days when you wish you didn't know any of them.
Okay, that's all for tonight; I stayed up and tolerated Letterman so that I could get to Craig's opening set, and I was handsomely rewarded for my perseverance. They did another musical number; while I didn't recognize the song, I was amused to see the kid in the leather shorts and bondage halter lip-sync a falsetto song while Craig and the puppets performed backup. Now, it's time for bed -- there's a ton to do tomorrow, since my parents are hosting the rehearsal dinner, and somehow a wedding with only four people in the wedding party has a rehearsal dinner for 27 people. Strange. But, it's Aunt Bridezilla's affair, not mine, and so I'll stop whining and go to bed!
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