Friday, March 19, 2010

who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?

I need to go to bed immediately; I should have gone to bed at least an hour and a half ago, but my desire to read and write tonight overtook all other things. I turned down two different opportunities to have dinner or do something else fun tonight, claiming that I had plans -- which was true, but my plan was to write, and I jealously guarded it against any self-sabotage I might have done instead. I need to get back on track with many things, but the writing is the most important part. So even though I wanted to come home, paint my toenails, and watch "Project Runway", I went to Cafe Borrone and wrote for over two hours, and then came home, finished up some writing, and read some more of the book that I started yesterday. The writing went well, and I have some vague, tenuous hope that I will meet my self-set June deadline for finishing the book, but I'm going to have to slog long and hard between now and then (an interesting task, given all my upcoming travels, to which I am likely adding a trip to Dublin at the end of May and a possible trip to Japan in June).

It was an absolutely gorgeous day here -- warm, sunny, and so beautiful that it feels like summer must be here now. I'm sure it will rain on my parade at some point in the near future, but I'm anticipating a lovely weekend of writing while everyone else is out enjoying the weather. Doesn't that sound like fun? And now, I must get some sleep if I'm going to be at all productive tomorrow -- goodnight!

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