Monday, November 30, 2020

one day all our secrets will be spoken

I've been staring at screens for hours and hours and I need to get off my laptop immediately. Today wasn't bad for a first day back in the office (aka my dining room) - I didn't get quite enough sleep last night, but I did meditate, journal, etc. this morning before starting work. Then I slogged all day, but I rewarded myself with a poke bowl for lunch.

I did take a break around dinner - I took a quick walk, then made dinner. I tried a new recipe for chicken with a really delicious mushroom/cream/garlic/bacon/parmesan sauce, and it was excellent. I also roasted some fingerling potatoes with fennel and onion, and they were excellent too - so that was quite satisfying.

What was slightly less satisfying was that I then worked for two hours - but I'm all caught up from break (fastest catch-up ever) and feeling better about the week ahead. And now I'm going to get off my laptop and decompress before bed - goodnight!

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