Wednesday, May 05, 2021

who needs a house out in that what you get with your money

I had a good day today - I started it by writing a ridiculous email to the office about seating charts, and I'm always happier when I can start my day off by writing jhokes about nonsense and sending them to a couple of hundred people. I then slogged my way through meetings, but none of them were too onerous. I spent about fifteen minutes sitting on my back steps to enjoy the sun during my lunch break, which was well timed because immediately after that, we had twenty minutes of thunderstorm + hail, and then it was sunny again and you never would have guessed there was a storm. Colorado weather is a trip.

So I worked all afternoon, took a break to talk to Alyssa, and then had one unusually late meeting from 6-6:45. After that, I talked to [censored], talked to my parents, and ate leftover stirfry. Then I had a call with Subz - we hadn't talked in ages, so it was really nice to hear her voice for an hour.

And now, I believe I shall go to bed and hope that tomorrow goes similarly smoothly - goodnight!

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