Wednesday, June 06, 2018

i'm only hanging on to watch you go down my love

I'm both super sad that tonight is my last night on my writing retreat, and super excited to go on to my next adventure. Today was pretty good, all in all - not as much writing as I wanted to get done, but it was totally adequate. I also took a break to take some people to Dairy Queen (writing retreat snack of champions), and spent some time in the sun talking to my mom, and it was all quite lovely.

We ended the night by getting a delivery of Greek food (super yummy), and I had more white wine than was strictly advisable (starting to drink at six and continuing until after eleven was probably a bad idea...but it was my last night and the wine was tasty, so #noregrets). But now I need to sleep - I have to get up and pack and eat and say goodbye so that I can drive to the airport, so sleeping now would be an excellent idea. Goodnight!

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