Saturday, August 11, 2018

i dig you baby but i got to keep movin'

As you might have guessed from last night's blog, I kissed my RAV4 on the nose today and parted ways to buy a new car. I didn't actually part ways - the RAV4 is still mine, and likely destined to end up in Iowa. But it's currently taking a backseat in my affections due to the arrival of a new, shiny Audi Q5. I've been watching videos and reading reviews of the Q5 (and similar compact SUVs) for over six months, and I have to say the driving experience when I finally test drove it exceeded my expectations. And if I keep it for eleven years like I did the RAV4, it will almost seem like a bargain....(but probably not, but still, #treatyoself).

So, the car things consumed a lot of my day. The other part of my day was in Denver, where I got a facial and a brow wax in preparation for Santy Claude's wedding. The facial was great, but somehow the wax gave me hives above my eyebrows, so that was not pleasant (especially since I went to the dealership after to finalize my contract, but luckily the hives were mostly obscured by my bangs).

Then I took the long way home, but I couldn't drive up into the mountains like I wanted to because I was completely starving. So I came home, parked the car, and walked to Pizzeria Locale, where I had pizza and wine and one of the best desserts ever while reading the first couple of chapters of BLACK TUDORS (about the experience of Africans in Tudor England, which was both more common and less related to slavery than many of us might guess).

But now, I'm going to bed - I do want to play around with the car tomorrow, so getting up and driving into the mountains seems like a solid plan. Goodnight!

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