Saturday, February 20, 2021

lorenzo's on yokohama tires, bling bling

I am headed back to Colorado tomorrow unless snow and the roads conspire against me, so today was mostly spent in preparation. That included packing, loading my car, cleaning up the downstairs, putting away things I'd taken upstairs, etc., etc.

However, it wasn't all work - I took a long break when Aunt B came down to see my dad, so we all hung out for awhile. I also took a nap, which was v. welcome. And, of course, I ate supper; my mom took over the kitchen again, and she made v. tasty steak with baked potatoes and some veggies and some sauteed onions/mushrooms, all of which were delightful.

So, that's pretty much all I have to report - I just spent more time than I intended looking at my laptop, so I should probably shut it down and aim toward my bed. Goodnight!

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