Saturday, March 27, 2021

she totally confused all the passing piranhas

I just realized it's 12:40am in Iowa, not 11:40pm (which is the time in Denver, and the time which my laptop was set to), which means I really need to go to bed immediately if I'm going to get anything of note accomplished tomorrow. Today was spent entirely in service of getting out of the high plains and into the midwest - I spent a couple of hours watering plants, taking out trash, loading my car, and generally prepping before hitting the road.

Today's drive was entirely uneventful (with the small exception of the herd of deer that crossed my path on the two-lane highway I take through Iowa, but I didn't hit them, so that was basically not noteworthy). I think I made the best time I've ever made - 10.5hrs, which included three stops, and so was exactly 10hrs of driving time for ~680 miles. My stops were v. brief - one on the western side of Nebraska (North Platte), one on the eastern side of Nebraska (Lincoln), and one in Mt Ayr (an hour from my parents), which perhaps wasn't entirely necessary, but it's the last good bathroom stop before home. The fact that I know where all the good bathrooms are on a 680 mile stretch is quite depressing to me, since I really wish I hadn't spent so much time in Nebraska this last year.

But it's good to be home, and I'm lucky I can drive it instead of flying it, so I'll take it. When I got home, I greeted my parents, unloaded my car, settled in, etc, etc. And now, as I said, I really need to sleep - goodnight!

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