Sunday, March 03, 2024

I can't keep these feelings on the shelf

I had a v nice day today, even if I did have to get dressed before ten. [Censored] and I drove up to Des Moines to have family brunch - Aunt B was in town for the weekend, and so we met her, Aunt Kathy, Drewbaby, and my parents at a restaurant in Jordan Creek so we could catch up.

Brunch was pretty good (not amazing, but not bad, and the cheesy potatoes on the buffet were great). And then we adjourned to Drewbaby's house, where we sat in the backyard (it was a lovely day except for that darned wind) until Becky had to leave for her flight. [Censored] and I talked to Drewbaby a bit more while I ill-advisedly tried a hard mountain dew, and then we headed home.

When we got here, I didn't feel like cooking, so we had leftover tater tot casserole and watched SNL. And now I need to sleep - goodnight!

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