Tuesday, March 05, 2024

she's my alma mater

I have little of interest to report - I woke up and wrote for a couple of hours, which was great. Then I changed my sheets and vacuumed my bedroom and office, talked to my mom, ate a v belated lunch, procrastinated, and eventually took a shower. And I messed around with cleaning and inking a couple of fountain pens before journaling for awhile, which always grounds me.

When I was done with all that, I ate dinner - leftover tater tot casserole with a fried egg on top. And then I started reading THE OVERSTORY, which has been on my shelf for ages - and so far it's spookily in my vein of interests, since it starts in Iowa, has an interlude in the Stanford Prison Experiment, continues into silicon valley, etc. It won a Pulitzer and I can already see why, so I predict I'll be finishing it posthaste.

But I'm proud of myself for closing it at midnight instead of listening to the voracious instinct that said to keep going, and I'm going to go to bed before I change my mind - goodnight!

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