Tuesday, May 07, 2024

every claim you stake

I definitely got in it grind today, even though I didn't want to - my weather radio woke me up a couple of times last night, but I went back to sleep because severe thunderstorms aren't enough to faze me. But still, my sleep wasn't exactly sufficient. So I powered myself up with coffee and a shower and got ready for the slog ahead.

Not that the slog was bad - it's nice to feel like I'm starting to understand some things. And I took a walk at lunch, and I also sat on my balcony with a glass of wine and my journal (and a convo with my mom) for a couple of hours. Then I ate some leftover steak with a fresh potato, did some laundry, and worked for a couple more hours. For some reason I'm much happier working from 9-11pm than I am from 9-11am, so I bring this upon myself.

But now I need to sleep- goodnight!

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