Sunday, May 12, 2024

let's lay in the dead grass, stare at the stars

I'm quite tired - I wouldn't go so far as to say that I did too much manual labor, but I certainly feel like I did enough. I woke up earlier than I wanted to this morning and lazed in bed for awhile, and then I went downstairs, poured some cold brew, and talked to [censored] for awhile. [Censored] is embarking upon a [censored] project, which may result in making some changes to network names for the wifi, and I had a v. entertaining time brainstorming new network names with [censored].

At some point, I knew I needed to get with it, so I took a shower and seized the afternoon. I helped [censored] pick up sticks after [censored] hauled away a big tree limb that I lost in a storm a coupleo f weeks ago - I do not particularly enjoy picking up sticks, but we made good progress. Then I repotted another indoor plant and also planted most of what I bought at the greenhouse yesterday - so now I have 8+ containers of stuff, with the potential for more on the way.

At some point, I took a break to run out to Mom and Dad's and wish Mom a happy mother's day. We chatted for awhile, which was nice, and felt like our usual Sunday calls in person instead of on the phone. Then I came home, put on pants instead of shorts, and ran into town to pick up a couple of groceries + takeout from the Mexican place. [Censored] and I enjoyed it at the bar in my kitchen, and then we watched a bit of last night's SNL. And now, I desperately need to sleep - goodnight!

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