Thursday, May 09, 2024

if you've got an impulse let it out

I'm in Kansas City, which is unusual for me - but the trip was worth it. I got up and worked all morning, but I crossed off all the tasks that I needed to get done, so yay for me. Then I hurriedly ate some leftover chili, packed, and [censored] and I got on the road by two.

There was v. little traffic on the way here, and we reached the hotel a bit before five. Our room had a bit of a weird beeping noise, but we called the front desk about it and then went downstairs to eat in the bar; by the time we got back, someone had been in the room and the beeping noise was gone, which was a real plus since we didn't have to switch rooms. This is the same hotel I stayed in with Caroline last summer, and I quite like it - it has a v. nice 1920s vibe, and my steak and glass of wine were tasty (and the fries were even better).

Then, [censored] and I both changed and walked to the concert. It took all of five minutes to walk from our hotel to the T-Mobile Center, which meant that it was closer to walk to the concert here than it was to walk from our cars to the festival that we went to on Saturday. It was also about thirty degrees warmer, which was a real plus, and I maintained a pleasant body temperature through the whole performance.

We got to the venue early enough to watch the opener (Slow Pulp), and then the main show started. It was a dual header of Death Cab and Postal Service (which, iykyk, have the same frontman), and they played their 2004 albums (Transatlanticism and Give Up) from start to finish. The Death Cab album is gorgeous but can be melancholy, so it's good they started with that; Give Up is more dance-y and upbeat, even if the lyrics are still moderately depressing. All in all, the show was gorgeous - and v. v. nostalgic, since those albums were on heavy rotation my first year out of college, when I was young and everything was still ahead.

And now, after a v. easy walk back to the hotel and some unwinding, it's time for bed - goodnight!

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