Wednesday, May 29, 2024

rolling waves

I worked all day today and actually felt pretty productive, which was a big improvement over earlier in the week. It wasn't a total slog, since the morning was pretty quiet - but I did inadvertently work until seven, and then I did another hour of work just now. But my 6-7 meeting was with Adit, so that's not so shabby. And I did most of my afternoon work while sitting in the sun on my balcony, which always lifts my spirits.

After hanging up with Adit, I took a break to make dinner (my beloved spaghetti all'amatriciana with bacon and red onions, which I haven't made as often since that was what I was making when I cut my finger and fainted last summer). I finished just as [censored] got home, so I talked to him for awhile. And now I need to sleep since my first meeting tomorrow is at the unholy hour of 9:30am - goodnight!

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