Friday, October 18, 2019

there I was a defenseless middle kid

Sadly, my time in Tahoe is coming to an end. Happily, though, today was great. I did some work and laundry in the morning - as usual, I'm a rolling stone, and since I'm headed to Berlin tomorrow I needed to do some personal stuff to get ready (and ensure I don't smell). I also got some coffee across the street, made a v tasty breakfast sandwich, and then spent the afternoon doing some v deep business stuff. I've basically ignored my writing business the past two years - my day job pays me enough to ignore it, and also I didn't have a lot of incentive since I wasn't publishing anything new.

But I spent several hours this afternoon confronting my numbers, and the short answer is that my numbers are better than my neglect deserves, but still have room to improve them. Thanks to my knowledge of spreadsheets I was able to figure out a basic conversion rate from my always-free book to the later books in the series, which is better than expected and also gives me an idea of my target cost-per-acquisition if I start advertising again. So, the spreadsheet time was #worthit, although I probably should have written.

Eventually I stopped working, and we had dinner at MacDuffs (a pub nearby that we often go to). Then we hung out... Eventually it was just me and Anne and Jules, and then me and Anne, and then Anne let me walk out into the bear-infested woods alone (jk there is a single sidewalk between her house and mine and no one tried to eat me). And now I need to sleep - we're packing up and driving to SF tomorrow, and I fly straight from there to Germany. Goodnight!

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