Sunday, December 22, 2019

i showed up late one night with a neon light for a visa

Today was another round of Christmas festivities - my sister and her family came over, so we spent the afternoon together. This was much louder + twice as big as yesterday's Christmas festivities - Sammi has two kids of her own, and her boyfriend brought two of his kids, so it was a bit of a madhouse. Zane and Allison couldn't bring their daughter since she was at her dad's house, but from a noise level that was probably for the best.

So we ate lunch, hung out, opened presents, and Sammi's boyfriend's son showed me his Pokemon deck. Sammi and crew were the first to leave, so [censored] and I hung out with Zane, Allison, and Allie in the living room until it was time for them to take off.

Then I took care of some Christmas stuff, and then I ate leftover gluten free pizza, and then we played a game of Ticket to Ride (which Dad won by one point). And now, I should sleep - goodnight!

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