Monday, November 08, 2021


I have nothing of interest to report today - I was not particularly enthused to get out of bed this morning, but I was quite productive despite that. I worked all day, with a quick walk down the street around lunch to buy some cards (which also turned into buying a gorgeous journal that will *definitely* make it possible for me to write a book). Lunch was leftover soft tofu soup, and it continued to be excellent - I'm astonished. At lunch I also marinated some steak for fajitas, so I felt quite accomplished from a cooking standpoint.

After work, I took a break, and then I cooked those fajitas - they turned out v. well, especially with a whole avocado's worth of guacamole and some refried beans. Then, I wrote for a bit in my new journal, mostly to prove to myself that the journal is going to solve my entire writing career (I swear it will). Then I did some day job stuff. And then I ended the day by looking at fixtures for the Iowa house - the choosing is sort of fun, but I'm sure I'll rue the day when I suddenly have torn out both bathrooms and am shitting in a bucket (but I'm sure I will have bought a v. nice bucket!).

sssanyway, now it's time for bed - goodnight!

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