Monday, August 14, 2023

lavender haze

I'm very wiped out, but it's been a good couple of days. I didn't get much done yesterday because my sister was at my parents' house and I went to see her, and then I went to the grocery store and relaxed a bit before making burrito bowls for dinner. Then, in an unusual move, Katie came and spent the night - she left James and the kids in Des Moines with his side of the family and came down here to revisit her old stomping grounds. We had a bottle off rosé on the balcony (and inside after the mosquitos got rid of us), and [censored] and I were delighted that she came.

This morning, we had some cold brew before Katie left, and then I made brunch for me and [censored]. Then I showered, procrastinated a bit, and then wrote for several hours. I took a break to talk to [censored] and eat dinner, and then I did some mural stuff and spent several hours doing some graphics stuff. So after all that screen time my brain is fried and I need to sleep - goodnight!

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