Monday, August 12, 2024

this love's for gentlemen only

Today was a bit rough because I stayed up so late last night - I am not as young as I used to be, and while my brain likes working at one a.m., my body needs eight hours of sleep. But despite how rough today was, I still got a decent amount done.

I probably should have done more work tonight than I did, but my brain refused to cooperate. So after [censored] left, I did a bit of journaling, ate some leftover pizza, did a bit of work, and then cleaned up my room and watched the replay of the men's javelin final. Yes, the Olympics are over, but I had wanted to see this event because the guy who won did it by setting an Olympic record, and he won Pakistan's first-ever individual gold. He basically had to crowdfund his training and plead for funding to get a new javelin for the Olympics, so it was a pretty cool feat to witness.

And now, I'm going to go to bed early and hope I can crank out a bunch of work in the morning - goodnight! 

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