Sunday, August 04, 2024

what we doing? what we chasing? why the bottom? why the basement?

I didn't do nearly enough today, but that's often par for the course for Sundays. I sat on my balcony and journaled / made lists / daydreamed until it was too hot to be outside anymore. I took care of various tings inside after that, and then I showered before [censored] and I went out to hang out with mom and dad for awhile since we didn't see them yesterday. Then I came home and did some personal work while watching tonight's Olympics coverage. It was all fairly thrilling - the US came up with a bunch of medals, including many golds. Swimming is done, which is always sad, but track and field is picking up and there was a pretty exciting photo finish in the men's 100m.

So, I'm nowhere near Olympics'd out, which is a good thing since there's still a week left. But I need to conserve my energy, so I'm going to bed - goodnight!

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