Saturday, September 14, 2024

knocking at your door

I had a nice Saturday in ye olde Iowa. I got up around eight (shockingly) and baked a lemon cake for myself as a belated birthday celebration. The lemon cake recipe that I always used belonged to Gram, and it still works - but it's based on doctoring a boxed cake mix, and I don't think it comes together the same way it used to. Part of that is my fault - I use a gluten free yellow cake mix, since I can't eat gluten and also can't find a gf lemon cake mix. So I add a bunch of lemon zest and some lemon flavoring.

But so many products now don't come with the same volume that they did twenty years ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if cake mixes are smaller. I also haven't been able to find frozen lemonade concentrate around here - I doubt it's been fully discontinued, but I also doubt that most people mix up lemonade from a frozen can anymore. So my cake came out denser than it used to, and it was slightly more tart because I used fresh lemon juice with powdered sugar for the glaze instead of using lemonade concentrate. It was still quite tasty, but I may have to do some more radical experimentation to recreate the cake of my youth.

sssanyway, after I baked the cake and glazed it, I took care of a few other tings and then took a shower before heading to my parents'. Drewbaby and Aunt Kathy came down for the day - primarily to see dad, but they also got a crash course in local real estate and also in equipment auctions. It was great to see them, and we had a tasty lunch courtesy of Outlaw (and my cake).

The left late afternoon after touring some tings in Allerton, and then I completely spaced out for an hour. I did some laundry and tidied my room, and then I made chili (what [censored] and I call Elmer's Chili, since it's more of a paste than a soup). And then, after eating and tidying up, I came upstairs, folded laundry, finished putting everything away from my trip, and journaled a bit.

And now I need to sleep - goodnight!

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